Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Gore

"A triangular or tapering piece of cloth forming a piece
of something, as in a skirt."
(American Heritage Dictionary)

a summer skirt
girl size
in grass green, sky blue, and peony.

An inch of k1, p1 for the waist

K 10, (place marker) p1, eleven times

*Knit to stitch before the marker and increase, p1*
repeat to the end

K the next round...
these two rows create the gore.

Knit 22 rows in the color of choice
Change color

Knit for desired length... eg. 12 inches
Add ruffled border

Gores please me
Narrow to wide
Triangular growth

Life reshaped:

Manifested in different hues
Imbued with simplicity
Circles beauty.