Monday, June 21, 2010

There is a Hole in my World

_Holes_ by Louis Sachar

MC Stanly Yelnats is under a curse. Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys'
detention center, Camp Green Lake. The warden makes the boys "build character" by
digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. The warden it seems is looking for
something. Stanley tries to dig up the truth.

Yoga sock:
a neatly stitched circle borders
the hole where the sock heel should be...
complemented by a ribbed border encompassing
the opening where the toe would normally reside.

Stanley digs holes.
I knit holes...
of a lesser dimension, of course
and with a certain amount of glee.

These double holed socks
prove to be a charming accessory
for the young and agile...
the students of Yoga or ballet.

My fitness disappeared into
a hole greater than five by five...
years ago.

But the socks with holes
create the illusion that
containment is possible
and edged properly a hole
can be a thing of beauty.

It only requires that one
ignore what is missing and/or
add a bottom layer beneath
the hole.

Like Stanley I have to believe
that there is truth to be found...