Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Twining: you knit two layers by twisting yarn from two different
skeins or from two ends of the same skein.

This little sample hat will probably be a one-of-a-kind.
The sassy one has concluded that she lacks patience.
The two yarns wind around each other and the skeins must
be untwisted often... about every eight stitches.
Twirl the skeins or twirl the hat... whatever works for you.

Mark one skein with a plastic pin to make sure that you
are using the correct yarn and mark every eighth stitch to
insure that the twists are in the correct order.

Slow going... more attuned to embroidery than knitting.

My first reaction to the need to twine was: Why would anyone
want or need such a bulky hat?

Alas, the weather has turned nippy and the Sassy One
longs for such a warm hat


Diane said...

Pat, I know I would fall into the category of not having enough patience for this particular method.