Wednesday, August 22, 2012



Sassy just finished knitting a braided headband.
So, of course, this article  in the August 21st edition 
of the Daily Freeman caught her attention,

In the forties the child actress Margaret
O'Brien wore braids as she starred in "Heidi"
and in innumerable films as the quintessential
war orphan. She was unforgettable. Reruns of
her films still bring a tear to the eye.

In the sixties the actress Melissa Gilbert starred
in the role of Laura Ingalls Wilder in the television
version of "Little House on the Prairie." She
enchanted little girls with her long dresses, 
bonnets, and braids.

In 2012 Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen
in "The Hunger Games" has rejuvenated an interest in

Stylist Cliff Freeman "incorporates techniques
from crochet and knitting classes into braids..."

Well knitters... we are far ahead of our time in this game.

Perhaps, we should open knitting bars.