Friday, August 1, 2014

High Tea on the Hudson

Ms. Frances thought it was time to have high tea  with her bears. We gathered in the "little house" for peppermint tea, cucumber sandwiches, and brownies. Very elegant. Must make it a tradition for Ms. Jame's birthday. And Aunt Jennifer needs to research Japanese tea ceremonies.

Time for returning to neglected knitting.


Jennifer said...

I was just reading about it the day before yesterday. I think having brownies could not be topped. Looks like fun!

Carol Urban said...

How lovely! Your grandgirls are getting so tall.

We had a birthday party this weekend to celebrate our middle granddaughter's fourth birthday. We took the other two granddaughters to the party. It was so good to see them all together. Our first grandson will arrive in November.

No knitting for me this weekend. :(