Friday, September 21, 2012

September Song

Every year we greet the new season by traveling to Saranac Lake, 
New York. We stay at a mom and pop motel  on Flower Lake. 
The first leaf turn is always to be found there in mid-September.

Husband is photographing lower Saranac Lake.
He is intent on creating a photo image book cover
for his latest work: THE REVEREND SAMUEL SMITH.

Samuel Smith an early circuiting riding preacher settled
at Saranac Lake in 1839 with his wife Eliza Richards.

We have tracked their history and family genealogy
for more than ten years. Now is the time for their story
to be told.

God willing and a good printer the book will be
available in the near future.
We journeyed to the top of the mountain to see this modest version
of heaven. See the High Peaks in the distance.

And this is a knitting blog. I found a brand new knitting
emporium and yet another project... but that is a story
for another day.


Diane said...

a well knit story of where you are right now!