Saturday, September 15, 2012

3/4 of a Century Minus One

A birthday... 74th.
Husband remembered... see roses... and
dinner at a colonial tavern was lovely.

I am reading _The Lost Garden_ by Helen Humphreys.
Flowers, love, and loss always a tender mix.
A five star novel!

I have been listening to Pete Seeger's "Where Have All
the Flowers Gone."  

Today is a day to tally all the flowers who have gone
and thank God for the ones left to sustain you.


Diane said...

Oh Pat, I'm sorry this is a belated greeting but you know I am sending my most sincere birthday wishes for you. Sounds like you had a truly delightful day! May the year ahead be filled with inner sunshine and family joy.

Carol Urban said...

Happy birthday! The flowers are lovely. So glad you're husband remembered!