Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Modeling the Bed Slippers

Yesterday Ms. Carol requested a photo of the Morehouse
Farm bed slippers as they would appear on Sassy's feet. Given
the Sassy One's reluctance to have her picture taken, a photo of
just slippers was an acceptable  modeling job.

Husband took the photos. Two old folks playing with a
camera in the middle of the day made for a lighthearted
afternoon. "Let's take one straight-on," he'd say, "and
now sideways." And she'd say, "Can you tell that I am

The slippers finished at a length of 8.5 inches for a shoe
size of between 7.5 and 8.5 depending on the kind of shoe.

The kit only left about ten inches of yarn after the ties were
crocheted. So, for a longer length slipper a second skein would
be necessary.

Hope the photos help you visualize the result.


Carol Urban said...

I'm giggling right now! Thank you for the photos. I do appreciate knowing how they look on feet rather than on needles or laying flat. While I was knitting the first of a pair of socks for my DH I kept photographing it in progress on his foot. Sorry to say that he has Hobbit feet and the photos will never make it to publication! Once the second sock is finished I may be able to take a photo of the socks on his feet since they'll be covered up. :) P.S. I really do think my mom and probably my MIL would love a pair of these footies.

Jame said...

Yes, I can tell you're pigeon toed! haha! But that's why I love those little feet!

Great work. Very cute. XOXOX