Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Harlequin Boot Slipper

I felted it. Yea!

I took the leap.
Put the slipper in the washing machine
in hot water with two hand towels to agitate.
I checked faithfully every five minutes
until the body was willing but the soul was weary.
I let the machine zing for about thirty minutes.

See! A boot slipper felted.
It is quite fuzzy.
I might stop sooner and use a lingerie bag next time.
I stuffed it with paper towel to shape it.

I need some tips on invisible stitching.
The felting did not obliterate all the stitches.

Now I need some grand girls to model the boot
for future size adjustments.

All and all I am delighted with this project.


Diane said...

Good for you Pat and I LOVE the harlequin.