It is okay:
To be sad
To be old and have wrinkles
To sit in the kitchen window
and watch the birds
with dishes in the sink.
To rock on the porch
to comfort the pain
To soothe the itch with cream
To be late to the party
To not remember
And to not forget
To write off the line
To forget your passwords
To share your words or not
until you are ready or never
To get up early
or stay up real late
Say whatever you want on the page
To see messages in the clouds,
promises in the pink moon,
burning bushes everywhere
To be homesick at home
Be soft and malleable
allow new seeds to be planted
in old soil
Delete expectations
stay in the flow
To have had a good
life with enough
and not feel guilty
To get knocked down
and stay there
rest awhile
It is okay
to need help
and not ask for it
trust your inner wisdom
Follow your feelings
Be Different!